
The Marcin Imieliński lab uses cutting-edge sequencing technology and genomic data science to study patterns of complex and noncoding somatic DNA variation in cancer.

Current m-ski lab interests::

how the epigenome influences the topography of somatic DNA variants • evolution of complex and clustered mutations in somatic genomes • DNA footprints of somatic mutational processes and cellular lineage • how DNA rearrangements perturb chromatin state and structure • cancer genomics applications of long-range sequencing technology • development of algorithms for cancer genome assembly and complex variant phasing • whole genome sequencing applications for precision oncology.



The Marcin Imieliński lab uses cutting-edge sequencing technology and genomic data science to study patterns of complex and noncoding somatic DNA variation in cancer.

Current m-ski lab interests::

how the epigenome influences the topography of somatic DNA variants • evolution of complex and clustered mutations in somatic genomes • DNA footprints of somatic mutational processes and cellular lineage • how DNA rearrangements perturb chromatin state and structure • cancer genomics applications of long-range sequencing technology • development of algorithms for cancer genome assembly and complex variant phasing • whole genome sequencing applications for precision oncology.